An emulator, in the most general sense, duplicates (provides an emulation of) the functions of one system with a different system, so that the second system appears to behave like the first system. Unlike a simulation, it does not attempt to precisely model the state of the device being emulated; it only attempts to reproduce its behavior. A simulator is a specially accurate emulator.
J2ME emulators:
The basic J2ME emulator to be used for this exercise is The Sun Microsystems J2ME™ Wireless Toolkit 1.0.4_01. The emulator is installed after Java 2 SDK Std Edn. V 1.3.
The steps to run applications are as follows:
- After installation, the emulator can be easily accessed from the start menu. Before running the application, select the “default device selection” and select a device from a drop down box.
- The next step is to provide a path to the application. Select “Run MIDP application” from the start menu under the name that the WTK was installed to. The path to the application .JAD (Java Application Descriptor) is provided.
Example: The emulator is installed with the name” J2ME Wireless ToolKit 1.0.4_01”. This is the method followed:
Click on start => Select” J2ME Wireless ToolKit 1.0.4_01” => Select “default device selection” -> Select a device from the drop down box and click “ok” => Select start => Select” J2ME Wireless ToolKit 1.0.4_01” => Select “Run MIDP application” => Provide the path to the .JAD file => and click on start.