J2ME Emulator - giả lập điện thoại J2ME

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J2ME Emulator - giả lập điện thoại J2ME

Post by tvn »

What is an emulator?

An emu­la­tor, in the most gen­eral sense, dupli­cates (pro­vides an emu­la­tion of) the func­tions of one sys­tem with a dif­fer­ent sys­tem, so that the sec­ond sys­tem appears to behave like the first sys­tem. Unlike a sim­u­la­tion, it does not attempt to pre­cisely model the state of the device being emu­lated; it only attempts to repro­duce its behav­ior. A sim­u­la­tor is a spe­cially accu­rate emulator.

J2ME emu­la­tors:

The basic J2ME emu­la­tor to be used for this exer­cise is The Sun Microsys­tems J2ME™ Wire­less Toolkit 1.0.4_01. The emu­la­tor is installed after Java 2 SDK Std Edn. V 1.3.

The steps to run appli­ca­tions are as follows:
  • After instal­la­tion, the emu­la­tor can be eas­ily accessed from the start menu. Before run­ning the appli­ca­tion, select the “default device selec­tion” and select a device from a drop down box.
NOTE: Devices are present in the WTK (Wire­less ToolKit) folder. This folder is usu­ally named as WTK104 unless changed in the path that it was installed to. The devices are present in the folder called “devices” inside the folder “wtk­lib”. For exam­ple: C:\WTK104\wtklib\devices.
  • The next step is to pro­vide a path to the appli­ca­tion. Select “Run MIDP appli­ca­tion” from the start menu under the name that the WTK was installed to. The path to the appli­ca­tion .JAD (Java Appli­ca­tion Descrip­tor) is provided.
NOTE: Take care that the path is not too long; the emu­la­tor does not work with long Paths

Exam­ple: The emu­la­tor is installed with the name” J2ME Wire­less ToolKit 1.0.4_01”. This is the method fol­lowed:

Click on start => Select” J2ME Wire­less ToolKit 1.0.4_01” => Select “default device selec­tion” -> Select a device from the drop down box and click “ok” => Select start => Select” J2ME Wire­less ToolKit 1.0.4_01” => Select “Run MIDP appli­ca­tion” => Pro­vide the path to the .JAD file => and click on start.

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